Murder in the Vercors (Le Pont des Oubliés)
Nicolas GOB
Jérôme ANGER
In the pastures of the Vercors, at the heart of the French Alps, a shepherd has been murdered. The whole village suspects the former schoolteacher, because the herdsman ruined her career a few years previously, when he found out that she was dating his 17-year-old nephew. The young man now returns to the village and the tension increases.

In the pastures of the Vercors, at the heart of the French Alps, a shepherd has been murdered. The whole village suspects the former schoolteacher, because the herdsman ruined her career a few years previously, when he found out that she was dating his 17-year-old nephew. The young man now returns to the village and the tension increases.
Two investigators are assigned to find the murderer, a young police officer and a lieutnant in charge of wildlife safety. Their investigation further disturbs the relations between the villagers, just as their own relationship takes a romantic turn.
3,8 million viewers / 21,3% market share
Au cœur des alpages, un berger est assassiné. Le village tout entier soupçonne l’ancienne institutrice dont le berger a brisé, voici quelques années, la carrière, mais surtout une belle histoire d’amour avec son neveu, encore mineur à l’époque des faits. Celui-ci revient, risquant de remettre le feu aux poudres.
Mais un duo d’enquêteurs formé par une jeune OPJ et un lieutenant de louveterie (chargé de réguler la vie sauvage dans nos campagnes) vont à travers leur enquête faire surgir d’autres problèmes humains à l’origine du meurtre et voir aussi naître une histoire d’amour entre eux.
3,8 millions de téléspectateurs / 21,3% de part de marché