Murders in Lorraine (Meurtres en Lorraine)
Joffrey PLATEL
Catherine DEMAIFFE
When a corpse clutching a crystal chess piece is found in the old fortress of Bitche, in the Lorraine region, police lieutenant Nicolas Muller is sent to investigate. He is accompanied by a young female intern and soon discovers, during this complex investigation, that he is actually related to her.

When a corpse clutching a crystal chess piece is found in the old fortress of Bitche, in the Lorraine region, police lieutenant Nicolas Muller is sent to investigate. He is accompanied by a young female intern and soon discovers, during this complex investigation, that he is actually related to her.
While the Lorraine is familiar ground to Muller, being his birthplace, his investigation is made difficult by the fact that all the clues point to a crystal factory managed by his own father and sister – a family legacy he turned his back on by becoming a policeman. The number of victims soon grows, as does the list of suspects, among which are his own family members.
4,8 million viewers / 23% market share
Lorsqu’un cadavre est découvert dans la citadelle de Bitche en Lorraine, porteur d’une pièce d’échecs en cristal, le Lieutenant Nicolas Muller est dépêché sur place. Il est accompagné par une jeune stagiaire, dont il va découvrir au terme d’une enquête complexe dans le milieu du cristal, qu’elle lui est moins étrangère qu’il n’y parait.
Si Nicolas Muller enquête dans sa région natale, en terrain connu, ses investigations sont rendues difficiles par le fait que tous les indices mènent à une cristallerie dirigée par son père et sa propre sœur. Un héritage familial dont il a préféré se distancier en devenant gendarme...
4,8 millions de téléspectateurs / 23% de part d'audience