A New Life (Une Vie Après)
Emmanuel MAURO
Frédéric PIERROT
Marilyne CANTO
Laurent BATEAU
Marion has fallen out of love with her husband. She decides to stop lying to herself, leave him, and live to the full rather than remain stuck in the reassuring routine of family life.

Marion has fallen out of love with her husband. She decides to stop lying to herself, leave him, and live to the full rather than remain stuck in the reassuring routine of family life.
Dominique is in an identical situation with his wife but he cannot take the next step. His meeting with Marion is a make-or-break moment… Fate throws them together face-to-face with the guilt they feel : for daring “a new life”.
Marion n’est plus amoureuse de son mari. Refusant de continuer à se mentir, elle décide de le quitter pour vivre pleinement et pour ne plus se laisser enfermer dans un confort rassurant d’une vie de famille.
Dominique vit avec sa femme une situation identique, mais il ne parvient pas à franchir le pas. Sa rencontre avec Marion va le mettre au pied du mur… Leurs destins vont se croiser et les confronter à leur culpabilité : celle d’oser "une vie après".