Climb to the Top (À Corde Tendue)
Pénélope-Rose LEVEQUE
Danièle EVENOU
Sandra, who just got out of jail, travel to Chamonix to met, for the first time, her father Paul, the only alive member of her family.
Sandra, who just got out of jail, travel to Chamonix to meet, for the first time, her father Paul, the only alive member of her family.
But between Paul, a lonely and unsociable man, and Sandra, a shy and wild girl, the cohabitation won't be easy, especially when rumor on Sandra spread in town... Will The father and her daughter be able to climb the mountains that separate them?
2,8 million viewers / 11,4% market share
Sandra, tout juste sortie de prison, se rend près de Chamonix pour retrouver la seule famille qu’il lui reste : Paul, son père qu’elle ne connait pas.
Mais entre Paul, taiseux et solitaire, et Sandra, farouche et spontanée, la cohabitation ne s’annonce pas facile, surtout quand au village, des rumeurs circulent sur Sandra... Le père et la fille vont-ils réussir à braver, ensemble, les montagnes qui les séparent ?
2,8 millions de téléspectateurs / 11,4% de part d’audience