A Labour of Love (10 jours pour s'aimer)
Evelyne DANDRY
Charles, a 35 years-old business executive, is sentenced to 10 days of community service : he has to help a regional non-profit organization, settled right in the middle of nowhere, to rebuild an abandonned bakery.

Charles, a 35 years-old business executive, is sentenced to 10 days of community service : he has to help a regional non-profit organization, settled right in the middle of nowhere, to rebuild an abandonned bakery.
What requires real handyman skills ! It was created by Françoise, who works with her daughter Alice (35, divorced, vineyard farmer) and her grand-daughter Charlotte (13). Charles falls deeply in love with Alice. But how can his love become reality taking into account the fact that he is a pure urban guy, and an allergic to wine one ! While he’s about to make a decision, he is being offered the job of his dreams in Hong-Kong...
Charles, cadre commercial de 35 ans, est condamné à 10 jours de TIG (travaux d’intérêt général) : il doit aider une association à restaurer une boulangerie abandonnée perdue en pleine campagne.
Les travaux de rénovation exigent de plus un vrai talent de bricoleur ! Maladroit et allergique à l’alcool, Charles va loger chez Françoise qui vit avec sa fille Alice (35 ans, divorcée, exploitante viticole) et sa petite-fille Charlotte (13 ans). Contre toute attente, Charles va tomber fou amoureux d’Alice... Mais avouons-le, le fait qu’il soit allergique à l’alcool et qu’Alice soit persuadée que sa peine de TIG correspond à un délit très grave, ne vont pas arranger les choses... Et que dire du poste qu’on lui propose à Hong Kong ?