Aids memories (Aids memories, se souvenir du Sida)
Witnesses: Bijan
Olivier L
Olivier M
Aids Memories, written and directed by Marina Karmochkine and Marc Sieger.

Aids Memories, written and directed by Marina Karmochkine and Marc Sieger.
Dr Marina Karmochkine used her position as an HIV specialist at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital to interview 7 of her patients: 4 men and 3 women from 20 to 75 who talk about all the problems of this disease (the announcement of the seropositivity, the secret, the isolation, the stigmatization, the fantastic therapeutic advances which allow them to project themselves in the future ...). We filmed our witnesses with discovered faces, at home, in their day-to-day life. The diversity of their paths, their sexual orientations, their ethnic origins, their modes of contamination, their social origins are the richness of this project. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Prize for Medicine, brings her scientific support to the film.
Aids Memories ou se souvenir du sida, de Marina Karmochkine et Marc Sieger.
Le docteur Marina Karmochkine a utilisé sa position de spécialiste du VIH à l’Hôpital européen Georges Pompidou pour donner la parole à 7 patients : 4 hommes et 3 femmes de 20 à 75 ans qui racontent toutes les problématiques de cette maladie (l’annonce de la séropositivité, le secret, l’isolement, la stigmatisation, les progrès thérapeutiques permettant maintenant de se projeter dans l’avenir…). Les témoins sont filmés dans leurs quotidiens à visage découvert. La variété de leurs parcours, de leurs orientations sexuelles, de leurs origines ethniques, de leurs modes de contamination, de leurs origines sociales constituent les richesses de ce projet. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Prix Nobel de Médecine, apporte sa caution scientifique au film.