Murdered (Assassinée )
Nathalie KANOUI
This day, Cathy’s life is turned upside-down with the shocking news that her daughter has been murdered
Cathy has been preparing herself since early morning. She is about to celebrate her daughter Eva’s 20th birthday. But on this very day, Cathy’s life is turned upside-down with the shocking news that her daughter has been murdered. At first devastated and lost when faced with the workings of the police and the justice system, Cathy becomes determined to fight to know the truth…
« In this very moving plot, Patricia Kaas shows us her fragile side, a mix of strength and courage. »
5,5 millions of viewers and 20% of market share
Cathy s’affaire depuis le matin. Elle va fêter les 20 ans de sa fille Eva. Mais en ce jour d’anniversaire, sa vie bascule. Elle apprend de façon brutale que sa fille a été assassinée. D’abord anéantie, perdue face à la police et à la justice, Cathy va se battre pour connaître la vérité …
"Dans cette intrigue bouleversante, Patricia Kaas fait preuve d'une très grande fragilité, mêlant force et courage."
5,5 millions de téléspectateurs et 20% de part de marché