Seasons of love (Climat)
Raphaëlle AGOGUE
Ludmila MIKAEL
Aurore PARIS
Stanislas MEHRAR
1934. Philippe falls in love with Odile, a beautiful stranger, and decides to marry her, against the will of his parents.
1934. Philippe falls in love with Odile, a beautiful stranger, and decides to marry her, against the will of his parents.
They would have preferred a more bourgeois bride, ideally from their own milieu: the paper industry in Angoulème. Isabelle, for instance, whom they have known since she was a child, would have been the perfect match. But Philippe sticks to his choice and marries Odile. At first the newly-weds are passionately in love, and the whole family looks forward to the birth of an heir for the Marcenat family. But in vain. Instead, Odile neglects her marriage and devotes herself to drawing, a gift she inherited from her father. Or is her rekindled interest in art classes more the result of her encounter with the charming but mysterious artist François Crozant? Philippe sense that he's losing his wife and becomes madly jealous of François. Meanwhile Isabelle, who's secretly in love with Philippe, is just waiting for the right moment…
1934. Philippe tombe amoureux d’Odile, une belle inconnue, et décide de l’épouser malgré les réticences de ses parents.
Ils auraient préféré pour leur fils unique une union plus bourgeoise, et dans « leur milieu », l’industrie de la papeterie à Angoulême. Isabelle, par exemple, qu’ils connaissent depuis l’enfance, est la fiancée idéale… Philippe tient bon, et épouse Odile. Les jeunes mariés, tout à leur passion, connaissent d’abord un bonheur intense. Toute la famille attend un héritier Marcenat, qui, hélas, n’arrive pas. Au contraire, Odile délaisse son couple pour se consacrer au dessin, un talent qui lui vient de son père. Mais n’est-ce pas plutôt sa rencontre avec François Crozant, un artiste au charme étrange, qui détermine Odile à reprendre les cours de dessin ?
Philippe, sentant que sa femme lui échappe, devient atrocement jaloux de François. Isabelle, secrètement amoureuse de Philippe, guette son heure…