Some place else (15 jours ailleurs )

Director(s) : Didier BIVEL
Author(s) : Philippe BERNARD
Producer(s) : LIZLAND FILMS
Cast : Didier BOURDON (Best Actor Award at Luchon Festival 2013)
Judith CHEMLA (Best Supporting Actress at Luchon Festival 2013, Best Actress at The Golden Laurels of Radio and TV 2014)
Bernard VERLEY
Laurent BATEAU
Year : 2012
For : France 2

Vincent has a burn-out at the office, and his wife has him committed to a mental hospital against his will.

Some place else

Vincent has a burn-out at the office, and his wife has him committed to a mental hospital against his will. Once there, he makes friends with a deranged young woman eager to escape so she can see her child again. She persuades Vincent to run away with her. It's a trip that will take them far beyond their intended destination.

3.7 millions of viewers and 14.5% of market share

Vincent fait un burn out au bureau. Il est hospitalisé "sous contrainte" par sa femme en unité psychiatrique. Lors de ce séjour, Vincent se lie d'amitié avec une jeune psychotique qui veut absolument sortir pour revoir son enfant. Elle convainc Vincent de fuguer avec elle. Ce court voyage va les amener bien au delà de leur destination.

3.7 millions de téléspectateurs et 14.5% de part de marché

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