Captain Casta (Capitaine Casta )
Frédéric AKLAN
Delphine RIVIERE
CASTA is stationed in a Criminal Investigation Department that covers several districts in Paris. He is a particular cop with particular methods, not really integrated among his colleagues.

CASTA is stationed in a Criminal Investigation Department that covers several districts in Paris. He is a particular cop with particular methods, not really integrated among his colleagues.
He works in his on way, alone, with the silent agreement of his boss who knows his qualities, his almost animal intuition to detect the guilty, and sense who’s innocent – intellectual abilities that are incongruous with his pit-bull physical sature.
CASTA est en poste dans une Division de Police Judiciaire qui couvre plusieurs arrondissements de Paris. C’est un flic particulier aux méthodes particulières, pas vraiment intégré parmi ses collègues. Il bosse à sa manière, en marge, avec l’accord tacite du patron qui connaît ses qualités, son intuition quasi animale pour sentir un coupable, détecter un innocent, ses capacités intellectuelles qui jurent avec son physique de pitbull.