Between two shadows (Entre deux ombres )
Cédric WEBER
Betty Vitalini has just been through hell: she lost the baby she was expecting in a terrible car crash. She then receives a job offer to look after a seven year-old blind boy for a year. The boy lives with his father, a doctor, way up in the mountains.

Betty Vitalini has just been through hell: she lost the baby she was expecting in a terrible car crash. She then receives a job offer to look after a seven year-old blind boy for a year. The boy lives with his father, a doctor, way up in the mountains, far from the rest of the world.
As soon as she arrives, Betty understands that the cold weather of the Alps perfectly suits the father's personality. He informs her that his son, Sylvain, is unaware that his mother is dead. As far as he's concerned, Alice went on a trip and she will be back one day... Betty also discovers that the father and son's relationship mainly revolves around Alice, the deceased wife and mother, who has become ever-present by her absence. The child suffers in silence from his mother's disappearance, constantly waiting for her to come back and Betty decides to try and help him. But she soon realizes that Franck's persistent lies prevent her from doing so and she refuses to be a part of his emotional manipulation...
As the days go by, she realizes that the situation is even more complex and mysterious than she thought and that the mountainside hides a dark secret.
Betty Vitalini vient de vivre un drame effroyable : un violent accident de voiture qui a coûté la perte de l’enfant qu’elle portait. Elle reçoit alors une proposition d’embauche : s’occuper durant une année d’un jeune aveugle de 7 ans dont le père est médecin. Tous deux vivent perdus en pleine montagne, loin de tout.
Dès son arrivée, Betty constate que le climat glacial des alpages s’accorde parfaitement avec le caractère du père, le docteur Franck Felman. Il lui explique que son fils, Sylvain, ne sait pas que sa mère est morte. Pour Sylvain, Alice est partie en voyage. Elle va revenir un jour… Betty découvre que la relation père/fils tourne toute entière autour de la disparue : Alice… Une femme devenue omniprésente par son absence.
L’ enfant souffre en silence de la disparition de sa mère dont il attend désespérément le retour. Betty se met en tête de l’aider à aller mieux. Elle se rend vite compte que rien n’est possible tant que les mensonges incessants de Franck continuent d’alimenter les fantasmes de l’enfant et refuse d’être complice de cette manipulation affective…
Au fil des jours, elle comprend que la situation s’avère même plus complexe et plus mystérieuse qu’elle ne l’imaginait et que le flanc de la montagne renferme un lourd secret.