Each to their own (Chacun chez soi )

Director(s) : Elisabeth RAPPENEAU
Author(s) : Jean-Claude ISLERT
Producer(s) : MADE IN PM
Cast : Pierre ARDITI
Evelyne BOUIX
Christiane MILLET
Philippe MAGNAN
Antoine DULÉRY
Year : 2000
For : TF1
Shot in : Super 16

Pierre Bazeille is a writer. Seeking a quiet place to find inspiration, he sublets, Evelyne Droyer’s home, artist / sculptor in the Lot. But living together will not go peacefully…

Each to their own

Pierre Bazeille is a writer. Seeking a quiet place to find inspiration, he sublets, Evelyne Droyer’s home, artist / sculptor in the Lot.

While Pierre is manic, meticulous and discreet, Evelyne is messy, cyclothymic and unpredictable. Living together will not go peacefully…

Pierre Bazeille est écrivain. Cherchant un endroit calme où retrouver l’inspiration, il sous-loue dans le Lot, la maison d’Evelyne Droyer, artiste / sculpteur.

Autant Pierre est maniaque méticuleux et pudique, autant Evelyne est bordélique, cyclothymique et imprévisible. La cohabitation n’ira donc pas sans un nombre d’accrocs…