Words of love (Des mots d'amour )

Director(s) : Thomas BOURGUIGNON
Author(s) : Thomas BOURGUIGNON
Producer(s) : KWAÏ
Cast : Michel VUILLERMOZ
Clotilde COURAU
Pascal ELSO
Year : 2009
For : France 2

An ultimate love story, before oblivion.

Words of love

Eric finds out that he suffers from premature Alzheimer as he is falling in love with Alice. He decides to hide his illness and to enjoy his life as long as it is possible. Not to burden his love story. He shall leave when he cannot handle it anymore. He will leave on that day. On his own terms. But little by little, Eric’s façade is crumbling…

Dernière histoire d’amour, avant l’oubli.


Eric apprend qu’il est atteint d’un Alzheimer précoce alors qu’il vient de tomber éperdument amoureux d’Alice. Il décide de cacher sa maladie pour profiter le plus longtemps possible de sa vie, pour ne pas peser sur son histoire d’amour. Il partira quand il ne pourra plus tenir. Il partira ce jour-là. Mais petit à petit, le masque d’Eric se fissure...