A Villa for two (Une Villa pour deux )
Bernard LE COQ
After his father’s death, Daniel Tressard suggested to his mother, Marion, to come live with him for two weeks. A year has gone by and Marion is still at her son’s place where she feels just fine… But Sylvie, Daniel’s companion, cannot stand the situation any longer.

After his father’s death, Daniel Tressard suggested to his mother, Marion, to come live with him for two weeks, while she gets back on her feet. A year has gone by and Marion is still at her son’s place where she feels just fine…
But Sylvie, Daniel’s companion, cannot stand the situation any longer. She orders Daniel to get rid of his mother, even threatening to leave if the situation drags on.
Daniel has finally managed to persuade Marion to move to the south where he has bought, a pretty villa in a quiet neighborhood.
Après le décès de son père, Daniel Tressard a proposé à Marion, sa mère, de venir s’installer chez lui une quinzaine de jours, le temps qu’elle reprenne ses esprits. Un an s’est écoulé et Marion est toujours chez son fils où elle se trouve très bien…
Mais Sylvie, la compagne de Daniel ne supporte plus la situation. Elle a sommé Daniel de les débarrasser de sa mère, menaçant même de le quitter si la situation s’éternisait. Daniel est finalement parvenu à convaincre Marion d’aller s’installer dans le midi où il a acheté, sur plan, une jolie villa dans un lotissement coquet.