Friends for sale (Les amis à vendre )
Matthieu ROZÉ
In a not too far-off future, renting friends has become a common habit for the rich, sparing them emotional disappointments.

In a not too far-off future, renting friends has become a common habit for the rich, sparing them emotional disappointments. When Jacques and Odile, a couple in search of entertainment, come across the Begond couple, available at a reasonable price, they see a bargain which will make them look a lot smarter in the eyes of their acquaintances.
Dans un futur proche, louer des amis est devenue une habitude courante chez les nantis, leur épargnant bien des déceptions affectives. Quand Jacques et Odile, un couple en quête de distractions, tombent sur les Begond, à un prix intéressant, ils savent faire l’affaire qui les rendra plus brillants aux yeux de leurs relations…