Brother and sister (Frère et soeur )

Director(s) : Denis MALLEVAL
Cast : Bernard LECOQ
Christiane MILLET
Year : 2012
For : France 3, RTBF

50-year-old lawyer Bruno Cellini is a lonely old bachelor. But his peace is suddenly disturbed when his ageing father, who dumped him 40 years ago to go and live in Polynesia, suddenly comes back into his life,

Brother and sister

50-year-old lawyer Bruno Cellini is a lonely old bachelor with a regimented lifestyle. But his peace is suddenly disturbed when his ageing father, who dumped him 40 years ago to go and live in Polynesia, suddenly comes back into his life, along with Bruno's 15-year-old half-sister, Tarita, of whose existence he wasn't even aware.

2,7 million viewers and 10% of market share

Bruno Cellini, la cinquantaine, avocat, est un vieux garçon solitaire à la vie très réglée. Mais sa tranquillité est brutalement remise en question lorsque débarque dans sa vie son vieux père, qui l'a abandonné 40 ans plus tôt pour partir vivre sa vie en Polynésie, et sa (très jeune) demi-sœur, Tarita, 15 ans, dont il ne soupçonnait absolument pas l'existence...

2,7 millions de téléspectateurs et 10% de part de marché