Big Jim (Big Jim )

Director(s) : Christian MERRET-PALMAIR
Author(s) : Mathieu SAVIGNAC
Producer(s) : LM
Cast : Bruno SALOMONE
Jonathan JOSS
Year : 2010
For : France 3

Alexander is looking for a job and for happyness... At the age of fourty, his life is not a success… until a notary announces him that his father died and that he inherits from a pork farm.

Big Jim

Alexander is looking for a job and for happyness... He has no private life, being torn between a teenager in crisis and an exentric mother. At the age of fourty, his life is not a success… until a notary announces him that his father died and that he inherits from a pork farm.

Alexander and his son soon realise that in order to sell the farm and reimburse the debts, they have to make Big Jim the super star pig to be the winner of of the pig’s contest. But Big Jim suffers from a nervous breakdown…

Alexandre est en quête de de bonheur. Sa vie privée se partage entre un ado en pleine crise et une mère cleptomane et excentrique. À l’aube de la quarantaine, le constat de sa vie n’est pas brillant... jusqu'à ce qu’un notaire lui annonce la mort de son père, qu’il n’a jamais connu, et l’héritage d’une ferme porcine.

Alexandre et son fils découvrent très vite que pour vendre la ferme et rembourser les dettes, il lui faut mener BIG JIM, le cochon de concours super star, jusqu’au trophée ultime ! Mais Big Jim donne tous les signes d’une dépression nerveuse...

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