I'm going home to mum (Je retourne chez ma mère )

Director(s) : Williams CREPIN
Author(s) : Williams CREPIN
Cast : Annie CORDY
Year : 2011
For : France Télévisions

40-year-old François, newly divorced and out of work for two years, is going through a bad patch. He has no alternative but to go back to live with his mother, Alice. The cohabitation between mother and son is fraught.

I'm going home to mum

40-year-old François, newly divorced and out of work for two years, is going through a bad  patch.  Having run out of resources, he has no alternative but to go back to live with his mother, Alice, in the small town where he was born.  He conceals his situation from his mother, pretending that a job with a small local company brought him home.  The cohabitation between mother and son is fraught.  Alice is enjoying an active retirement and has a hard time adjusting to the whims of her possessive son, who's used to the all the conveniences of life in Paris.  And François discovers that his mother has a lover, who is none other than the tyrannical gym teacher who ruined his school days.  François is beset by blunders and misunderstandings as he tries to get his life back on course while hiding his shameful condition from his mother, who turns out to be more perceptive than he thought, and equally determined to get her son back on track.  Caught between fond memories of a less-than-glorious childhood and the perspective of a life in an ambiguous relationship, François can now assume his renaissance.

François, la quarantaine, fraîchement divorcé et au chômage depuis 2 ans, traverse une mauvaise passe. Au bout de toute ressource, il n’a plus d’autre solution que de retourner vivre chez sa mère, Alice, dans la petite ville de son enfance. Il cache à sa mère sa terrible situation, invoquant une mission dans une PME locale pour justifier sa réapparition. La cohabitation entre François et Alice ne se fait pas sans quelques disputes entre une mère énergique et son grand dadais de 40 ans qui sombre dans le déni. Alice a une vie de retraitée active et a bien du mal à se réadapter aux caprices de son fils possessif, habitué au confort de la vie parisienne. François découvre que sa mère a un amant qui n’est autre que le prof de gym tyrannique qui lui a pourri sa scolarité !

François va enchaîner les impairs et les quiproquos tentant de se remettre à flots tout en cachant sa condition honteuse à sa mère. Il pourra compter sur la bienveillance de celle-ci plus perspicace qu’il ne le croyait et bien décidée à remettre son fils en selle. La confrontation du souvenir heureux d’une enfance pas forcément glorieuse, à la vision de sa vie aux rapports ambigus le guidera sur la route d’une renaissance enfin assumée.

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