When love starts with a lie (Tel épris )

Director(s) : Fabien ONTENIENTE
Author(s) : Charlotte CORDAY
Producer(s) : KIEN
Cast : Elise TIELROGY
Antoine DULÉRY
Morgane SIMON
Emmanuel de BRANTES
Year : 2001
For : France 2, RTBF
Shot in : Super 16

Antoine just lost an important position as an executive in a advertising agency. Catherine quit her job in a big publishing company. When they meet, because they both want to show off a little, they hide to each other their professional shortcomings and their money problems. The love story starts under a cloud of lies.

When love starts with a lie

Antoine just lost an important position as an executive in a advertising agency. Catherine quit her job in a big publishing company for a project that proved to be an illusion. When they meet, because they both want to show off a little, they hide to each other their professional shortcomings and their money problems. The love story starts under a cloud of lies. Catherine has very soon to move to another place that doesn't meet the social standards she is supposed to live in. She has to find a number of silly excuses to bar Antoine from her apartment. Antoine is selling  little by little all his belongings and has to accept a temporary job as a delivery.  He applied for several jobs and is still waiting for a positive answer. He has now new problems to keep his promises. Catherine doesn't believe anymore that their romance can lead them anywhere. She accepts a proposition from a colleague who wants to take her first on a trip to a mountain resort. But a small miracle brings to Antoine that job offer he has been longing for. He rushes to the station just in time to stop the train that Catherine was about to board. The time for truth has come. Antoine  and Catherine are now ready to start their love story.

Antoine vient de perdre son poste de cadre dirigeant dans une grande société. Catherine a quitté son travail dans une maison d'édition pour un projet qui s'est révélé illusoire. Mais quand ils se rencontrent, pour briller aux yeux de l'autre, ils se cachent soigneusement leurs déboires professionnels et financiers. Leur histoire d’amour commence sous les hospices de mensonges emberlificotés. Très vite Catherine est obligé de trouver un cadre de vie qui ne correspond plus à ses prétentions. Elle invente toutes sortes de prétextes pour éviter qu'Antoine lui rende visite. Lui-même, harcelé par les huissiers doit prendre, en attendant une offre qui tarde à venir, un travail temporaire qui l'oblige à trahir ses engagements. Découragée, Catherine va céder aux avances d'un ancien collègue. Mais un petit miracle permet à Antoine de recevoir enfin l'offre d'emploi qu'ils mérite. Il se précipite à la gare et arrête à temps le train qui emmène Catherine. Une fois tous les mensonges avoués, l'avenir leur appartient.