A family on the edge (Famille décomposée )
Christophe GUYBET
Ginette GARCIN
Marianne GROVES
Bertille CHABERT
Poor Leo Lubac was sure he had hit rock bottom. Set-up by his bosses to take the fall in an insider trading scandal, the innocent Leo returns from prison to find his life of privilege has disappeared into thin air.

Poor Leo Lubac was sure he had hit rock bottom. Set-up by his bosses to take the fall in an insider trading scandal, the innocent Leo returns from prison to find his life of privilege has disappeared into thin air. His family has decamped from the chic of the capital to the shock of the provinces. And job prospects for an ex-con are not exactly bright. As if that wasn’t depressing enough, his brother-in-law – hopeless at everything including suicide! – has joined their unhappy household. Just when he thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, enter Michael Balducci, Leo’s cellmate from the big house. The ever-charming conman leads the desperate Lubacs down a slippery slope of comedy and criminality. What else could they have to lose?
Les Lubac menaient une existence tranquille et privilégiée jusqu’à ce que Léo, père de famille plutôt mou et immature, ne porte injustement le chapeau dans une affaire de délits d’initiés... À sa sortie de prison, 8 mois plus tard, la famille est au bord du gouffre, financièrement, socialement et psychologiquement ! Il faut dire que les Lubac n’ont jamais été très armés pour faire face aux difficultés et surtout pas à la nouvelle tuile qui va leur tomber dessus : Michaël Balducci, l’ancien codétenu de Léo, débarque chez eux avec la ferme intention de s’incruster…