Turn your life into a dream (Fais de ta vie un rêve )

Director(s) : Jackie BASTIDE
Author(s) : Jackie BASTIDE
Cast : Marie-Amélie LE FUR
Year : 2005
For : France 2, France 4
Shot in : Super 16

17 years old Marie-Amélie wanted to become a fireman. But one day, she is the victim of a scooter accident and one of her legs has to be amputated. Her determination and courage will make her overcome this challenge and start training again to become a world class track and fields athlete.

Turn your life into a dream

17 years old Marie-Amélie wanted to become a fireman. But one day, she is the victim of a scooter accident and one of her legs has to be amputated.

Her determination and courage will make her overcome this challenge and start training again to become a world class track and fields athlete.

Marie-Amélie, une jeune fille de 17 ans, voulait devenir sapeur-pompier. Du jour au lendemain, elle se retrouve victime d’un accident de scooter, amputée d’une jambe.

Sa détermination et son courage vont la pousser à se surpasser pour reprendre l’athlétisme de haut niveau.

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