Opposed sexes (Sexes très opposés )

Director(s) : Eric ASSOUS
Author(s) : Eric ASSOUS
Producer(s) : KIEN
Cast : Charlotte DE TURCKHEIM
Antoine DULERY
Jean-Noël BROUTE
Arnaud SIMON
Thierry ASHANT
Year : 2001
For : Canal+, AT
Shot in : 35 mm

Ideally speaking, a love story should last as long as life does......

Opposed sexes

We often are wide of the mark. Does this mean that men and women are programmed to love several times ? Why do we grow tired of the other ? What are the seeds of break-up ? And if we could identify them, could we neutralize them ?

Through testimonies and illustrations, this film scrutinizes liaisons, which are prematurely worn down. Four couples, four breaks-up, four explanation attempts, through men and women of varying ages and social statuses. These four stories get mixed the ones with the others punctuated by protagonists’ interviews. Some do analyse cleverly, some others do not understand the reasons of the wreck, still others go out of their way to look for problems.

Pour s’aimer il faut être deux. Pour se quitter un seul suffit …

C’est tout le drame des ruptures amoureuses. Les liaisons naissent, grandissent et meurent. Celles qui demeurent éternelles n’existent que dans les mythologies. A travers l’histoire de quatre couples d’âges et d’horizons variables, l’évocation ironique de l’inconstance et de la fragilité des sentiments ainsi que les petits travers sexuels de nos contemporains. Le troisième millénaire, décidément, n’a toujours pas réglé le conflit hommes-femmes.