The Lady from Maxim's (La Dame de chez Maxim)

Director(s) : Jean-Luc Orabona
Francis Perrin
Author(s) : Georges Feydeau
Producer(s) : Olivier Productions
Cast : Francis Perrin
Henri Guybet
Sophie Forte
Jean-François Derec
Marcel Philippot
Chantal Ladesou
Year : 2019
For : France 2

In a bourgeois apartment from the end of the 19th century, in the half-light, meet Dr. Mongicourt, friend of Dr. Petypon and Etienne, the footman. There is a certain disorder and for good reason, Lucien Petypon has come home late in the morning in the company of the famous Moulin Rouge dancer, the kid Crevette. But then Madame Petypon arrives in her turn...

The Lady from Maxim's

In a bourgeois apartment from the end of the 19th century, in the half-light, meet Dr. Mongicourt, friend of Dr. Petypon and Etienne, the footman. There is a certain disorder and for good reason, Lucien Petypon has come home late in the morning in the company of the famous Moulin Rouge dancer, the kid Crevette. But then Madame Petypon arrives in her turn...

Dans un appartement bourgeois de la fin du XIXème siècle, dans la pénombre, se retrouvent le Dr Mongicourt, ami du Dr Petypon et Etienne, le valet de pied. Il règne un désordre certain et pour cause, Lucien Petypon est rentré à pas d’heure en compagnie de la célèbre danseuse du Moulin Rouge la môme Crevette. Mais voilà que Madame Petypon arrive à son tour...

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