Monsieur (Monsieur)
Jérémy Lewin
Aurélien Recoing
Léontine D'Oncieu
Sophie Le Tellier
February 1969 - Monsieur, is rich. He doesn't talk - he spits or he thunders. Monsieur owns everything. Catherine is poor and speaks little. At the Domaine where she works, she is one of those invisible people thanks to whom the farm runs and that evening, she has custody of little Sylvie. She holds her by the hand. But "annoyed" (as Madame says) by a lecherous lumberjack who plays at scaring her, she lets go of this hand. The child is no longer there.
February 1969 - Monsieur, is rich. He doesn't talk - he spits or he thunders. Monsieur owns everything. Catherine is poor and speaks little. At the Domaine where she works, she is one of those invisible people thanks to whom the farm runs and that evening, she has custody of little Sylvie. She holds her by the hand. But "annoyed" (as Madame says) by a lecherous lumberjack who plays at scaring her, she lets go of this hand. The child is no longer there. She has disappeared.
The next day a ransom demand falls. Two Parisian cops, freshly arrived from the capital where May 68 brought a wind of rebellion, have walked the greasy and sticky earth of the Domaine in vain, the questions asked remain unanswered. Between class violence, gender violence, power games, deadly patriarchy and social domination, this disappearance will reveal the worst in most. Until an unexpected outcome!
Février 1969- Monsieur, est riche. Il ne parle pas – il crache ou il tonne. Monsieur possède tout. Catherine est pauvre et parle peu. Au Domaine où elle travaille, elle fait partie de ces invisibles grâce à qui la ferme tourne et ce soir-là, elle a la garde de la petite Sylvie. Elle la tient par la main. Mais « agacée » (comme dit Madame) par un bûcheron lubrique qui joue à lui faire peur, cette main, elle la lâche. L’enfant n’est plus là. Elle a disparu. Le lendemain une demande de rançon tombe. Deux flics parisiens, fraichement montés de la capitale où Mai 68 a fait souffler un vent de rébellion, ont beau arpenter la terre grasse et collante du Domaine les questions posées demeurent sans réponses. Entre violences de classe, violences de genre, jeux de pouvoirs, patriarcat mortifère et domination sociale, cette disparition va révéler le pire chez la plupart. Jusqu'à un dénouement inattendu!