Pas de toit sans moi (Pas de toit sans moi)
Bernadette LAFONT
The departure of his wife, the loss of his job, the tyranny of his mother suffering from Alzheimer's have made Paul a depressed and cantankerous character... He takes it out on Ashanti, a black woman who lives clandestinely with her two children in an apartment located above his house.

The departure of his wife, the loss of his job, the tyranny of his mother suffering from Alzheimer's have made Paul a depressed and cantankerous character... He takes it out on Ashanti, a black woman who lives clandestinely with her two children in an apartment located above his house.
But Ashanti, a woman of character with royal blood, is not an scapegoat... Everything opposes these two outcasts of our society... And yet if they got married, she would avoid expulsion and the jails of her country... He would keep his apartment and would not end up homeless... They will have to reconcile, put up with each other and pretend to love each other in order to have a marriage of convenience...
Le départ de sa femme, la perte de son travail, la tyrannie de sa mère souffrant d’Alzheimer ont fait de Paul un personnage dépressif et acariâtre… Il prend pour bouc émissaire Ashanti, une femme noire qui vit clandestinement avec ses deux enfants dans un appartement situé au dessus de chez lui… Mais Ashanti, femme de caractère au sang royal, n’a rien d’une victime expiatoire…