All the blue in the sky (Tout le bleu du ciel)

90' or 2x45'
Director(s) : Maurice BARTHÉLÉMY
Author(s) : Claire LE MARÉCHAL, adapted from a Melissa DA COSTA novel (1,5 million copies sold)
Producer(s) : En voiture Simone
Cast : Camille LOU
Year : 2025
For : TF1, Netflix

Emile has just learned that he has early-onset Alzheimer's and that he only has a few months to live. Because he wants to escape the hospital, the gaze of his family and friends, he decides to set off on the road in an old camper van with Joanne, the girl who answered his ad.

All the blue in the sky

Emile has just learned that he has early-onset Alzheimer's and that he only has a few months to live. Because he wants to escape the hospital, the gaze of his family and friends, he decides to set off on the road in an old camper van with Joanne, the girl who answered his ad. There she finds an unexpected opportunity to escape a life that had become unbearable for her. An impromptu destination: the Pyrenees. Their incredibly beautiful journey will shatter their certainties and give rise to feelings that they never thought they would feel again...

Emile vient d’apprendre qu’il est atteint d’un Alzheimer précoce et qu’il ne lui reste plus que quelques mois à vivre. Parce qu’il veut fuir l’hôpital, le regard de sa famille et de ses amis, il décide de partir sur les routes dans un vieux camping-car avec Joanne, cette fille qui a répondu à sa petite annonce. Elle trouve là une occasion inespérée de fuir une vie qui lui était devenue insupportable. Destination improvisée : les Pyrénées. Leur voyage, d’une incroyable beauté, va faire voler en éclats leurs certitudes et faire naître des sentiments qu’ils ne pensaient plus jamais ressentir…


Published in Latvia - Serbia - Macedonia - Hangary - Ukraine - Czech Republic- Slovenia - Finland - Spain - Norway - Japan - Italy (130 000 copies)- Turkey - Sweden - South Korea - Croatia - Poland - Romania - Russia - Bulgaria - Belgium (néerlandais : 100 000 copies) - Danemark - Germany - Koweit (arabic)

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