Animal Sanctuary (Le combat d'Alice)

Director(s) : Thierry BINISTI
Author(s) : Mikaël OLLIVIER
based on a Dominique LEGRAND novel
Producer(s) : A Prime Group
Cast : Nicolas GOB
Year : 2024
For : France 2

Affected by the death of her mother two years earlier, 16-year-old Alice is expelled from high school and sent by her father, Joscelin, to live with his grandparents in the countryside. She falls in love with a calf, but realizes that the slaughterhouse is waiting for the young animal.

Animal Sanctuary

Affected by the death of her mother two years earlier, 16-year-old Alice is expelled from high school and sent by her father, Joscelin, to live with her grandparents in the countryside. She falls in love with a calf, but realizes that the slaughterhouse is waiting for the young animal. Ready to do anything to save it, Alice joins a group of activists and commits herself with all the strength and excess of her age, far from imagining that this fight against animal suffering could become the terrain of her reconciliation with her father, of both their resilience...

Affectée par le décès de sa mère deux ans auparavant, Alice, 16 ans, est exclue du lycée et se voit envoyée par son père, Joscelin, à la campagne chez ses grands-parents. Elle se prendra de tendresse pour un veau, mais comprend que l’abattoir attend le jeune animal. Prête à tout pour le sauver, Alice se rapproche d’un groupe de militants et s’engage avec toute la force et l’excès de son âge, loin d’imaginer que ce combat contre la souffrance animale pourrait devenir le terrain de sa réconciliation avec son père, de leur résilience à tous deux…

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