Alerts (Signalements)

Director(s) : Eric MÉTAYER
Author(s) : Catherine RAMBERG
Clément MICHEL
Producer(s) : And So On Media
Cast : Cécile BOIS
Bruno SOLO
Christophe LAUBION
Year : 2024
For : France 3

Based on the testimony of Laurence Brunet-Jambu and Karine Jambu. One woman's fight to save her abused niece. In order to put an end to the ordeal of her niece ordeal, who was raped for years.


Based on the testimony of Laurence Brunet-Jambu and Karine Jambu. One woman's fight to save her abused niece. In Order to put an end to the ordeal of her niece, who was raped for years.

D'après le témoignage de Laurence Brunet-Jambu et Karine Jambu.

Le combat d'une femme pour sauver sa nièce victime de maltraitance mettre fin au calvaire de sa nièce violée pendant des années. 

Best actress award for Cécile Blois at La Rochelle 2024
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