Darkroom (Chambre noire)
Françis PERRIN
Becoming a recognized artist photographer was Jeff's dream. However, at 38, he feels like he's failed at everything. A vintage camera given to him by a strange old man and a stunning photo of a young woman will overturn his life.

Becoming a recognized artist photographer was Jeff's dream. However, at 38, he feels like he's failed at everything. A vintage camera given to him by a strange old man and a stunning photo of a young woman will overturn his life, bringing him fame and recognition. But this photo is of a young woman who was murdered. The police, along with apparitions of this young woman, plunge Jeff's life into the strange, bordering on hellish...
Devenir un artiste photographe reconnu, c’était le rêve de Jeff. Mais à 38 ans, il a l’impression d’avoir tout raté. Un vieil appareil photo confié par un vieil homme étrange, une magnifique photod’une jeune femme vont bouleverser sa vie en lui donnant la gloire et la reconnaissance. Mais cette photo est celle d’une jeune femme morte assassinée. La police, des apparitions de cette jeune femme font basculer la vie de Jeff dans l’étrange, proche de l’enfer…