Cheers to joy (A la joie)

Director(s) : Jérôme BONNELL
Author(s) : Jérôme BONNELL
Producer(s) : Stromboli Films
Cast : Amel CHARIF
Charlotte LAEMMEL
Year : 2023
For : Arte, TV5

In March 2020, Véra, a lawyer from Montpellier, returned to Paris to visit her parents. The country was abuzz with rumors of a spreading virus and an impending lockdown. As the first measures were announced, Véra decided to stay in Paris and lied to her fiancé Mehdi, who was waiting for her in Montpellier. She found refuge in an apartment lent by a friend who had just left the capital. Amidst the anxiety of this unfamiliar situation and the relief of sudden solitude, Véra began to settle in. She crossed paths with Sam...

Cheers to joy

In March 2020, Véra, a lawyer from Montpellier, returned to Paris to visit her parents. The country was abuzz with rumors of a spreading virus and an impending lockdown. As the first measures were announced, Véra decided to stay in Paris and lied to her fiancé Mehdi, who was waiting for her in Montpellier. She found refuge in an apartment lent by a friend who had just left the capital. Amidst the anxiety of this unfamiliar situation and the relief of sudden solitude, Véra began to settle in. She crossed paths with Sam...

Mars 2020, Véra, avocate à Montpellier revient à Paris rendre visite à ses parents. Le pays bruisse des rumeurs d’un virus qui se propage et d’un confinement qui menace. Lorsque les premières mesures tombent, Véra décide de rester à Paris et ment à Mehdi, son fiancé qui l’attend à Montpellier. Elle trouve refuge dans un appartement prêté par une amie qui vient de quitter la capitale. Entre anxiété devant cette situation inconnue et soulagement de cette solitude soudaine, Véra prend ses marques. Elle fait la connaissance de Sam

Best director at La Rochelle Festival 2023
Best actor at La Rochelle Festival 2023
Best young actress at La Rochelle Festival 2023
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