Out of Sight (Droit de regard)
Arminthe AUDIARD
Alexandra, an energetic 30-something, is a much-appreciated professional coach. Alas, the glaucoma she suffers from causes her to lose her sight little by little. The shock is violent and the consequences are all the more serious as Alexandra is in divorce proceedings with Yann, the father of her 2 children. As the hearing before the judge approaches, will Alexandra succeed in convincing the justice that she can adapt and keep custody of her children despite her disability?

Alexandra, an energetic 30-something, is a much-appreciated professional coach. Alas, the glaucoma she suffers from causes her to lose her sight little by little. The shock is violent and the consequences are all the more serious as Alexandra is in divorce proceedings with Yann, the father of her 2 children. As the hearing before the judge approaches, will Alexandra succeed in convincing the justice that she can adapt and keep custody of her children despite her disability?
Alexandra, une trentenaire énergique est une coach professionnelle très appréciée. Hélas le glaucome dont elle est atteinte lui fait peu à peu perdre la vue. Le choc est violent et les conséquences sont d’autant plus lourdes qu’Alexandra est en procédure de divorce avec Yann, le père de ses 2 enfants », détaille le synopsis. « Alors que l’audition devant le juge approche, Alexandra réussira-t-elle à convaincre la justice qu’elle peut s’adapter et conserver la garde de ses enfants malgré son handicap ?