Murder in Vendée (Le Paquebot)
While investigating the murder of a journalist, Léa and Greg look into the secrets of the Africa, a true "French Titanic" which was shipwrecked in 1920 off the coast of Les Sables d'Olonne. On board this steamer which rallied the various colonial ports were many Senegalese skirmishers returning home after the First World War. Had the journalist figured out the theft of the liner's legendary treasure? Does the 47 meters deep wreck have new secrets to reveal?

While investigating the murder of a journalist, Léa and Greg look into the secrets of the Africa, a true "French Titanic" which was shipwrecked in 1920 off the coast of Les Sables d'Olonne. On board this steamer which rallied the various colonial ports were many Senegalese skirmishers returning home after the First World War. Had the journalist figured out the theft of the liner's legendary treasure? Does the 47 meters deep wreck have new secrets to reveal?
En enquêtant sur le meurtre d’un journaliste, Léa et Greg se penchent sur les secrets de l’Afrique, véritable « Titanic français » qui fit naufrage en 1920 au large des Sables d’Olonne. A bord de ce paquebot qui ralliait les différents ports coloniaux, de nombreux tirailleurs sénégalais rentraient chez eux après la première guerre mondiale. Est-ce que le journaliste avait percé à jour le vol du trésor légendaire du paquebot ? L’épave encore accessible à 47 mètres de profondeur a-t-elle de nouveaux secrets à révéler ?