Murders in Guadeloupe (Meurtres en Guadeloupe)
Clair JAZ
France ZOBDA
When Christian Rivière, a renowned industrialist (from one of the most powerful white families on the island) is found murdered, Jean-Baptiste Lonteau, a retired white cop and reservist, returns to service and leads the investigation with Lieutenant Télumée Magloire (45), who just got back in Guadeloupe. A second corpse is found at the top of La Soufrière: Marie-Agnès Dragouvin, Indian, manager of a holistic center. Her inert, naked body is covered with cane fibres. Jean-Baptiste is in shock, this victim is none other than his best friend.

When Christian Rivière, a renowned industrialist (from one of the most powerful white families on the island) is found murdered, Jean-Baptiste Lonteau, a retired white cop and reservist, returns to service and leads the investigation with Lieutenant Télumée Magloire (45), who just got back in Guadeloupe. A second corpse is found at the top of La Soufrière: Marie-Agnès Dragouvin, Indian, manager of a holistic center. Her inert, naked body is covered with cane fibres. Jean-Baptiste is in shock, this victim is none other than his best friend.
He is ready to do anything to elucidate this case which promises to be complex. As their investigations progress and by questioning in turn the daughter, the mother and the widow of Christian Rivière, the duo will discover the systemic racism of this feared family on the island. But also, that Christian Rivière and Marie-Agnès were lovers.
4M viewers / 20.4 % Market Share
Lorsque Christian Rivière, industriel réputé (issu de l’une des plus puissantes familles blanches de l’île) est retrouvé assassiné, Jean-Baptiste Lonteau, flic blanc à la retraite et réserviste, reprend du service et mène l’enquête avec le Lieutenant Télumée Magloire (45), de retour en Guadeloupe. Un second cadavre est retrouvé au sommet de la Soufrière : Marie-Agnès Dragouvin, Indienne, gérante d’un centre holistique. Son corps inerte, nu, est recouvert de fibres de cannes. Jean-Baptiste est sous le choc, cette victime n’est autre que sa meilleure amie.
Il est prêt à tout pour élucider cette affaire qui s’annonce complexe. Au fur et à mesure de leurs investigations et en interrogeant tour à tour la fille, la mère et la veuve de Christian Rivière, le duo découvrira le racisme systémique de cette famille crainte dans l’île. Mais aussi, que Christian Rivière et Marie-Agnès étaient amants.
4 Millions de téléspectateurs / 20.4 % de part de marché