Cul-de-sac (Une Confession)
30-something Clarisse, a pugnacious and reckless policewoman, is called to investigate the death of Maud Duberry. Maud fell from the top of a cliff under the eyes of her husband, Jean Duberry, in his fifties, who could do nothing. The case is quickly classified as an accident. But a week later, a mysterious witness claims to have seen Jean pushing his wife.

30-something Clarisse, a pugnacious and reckless policewoman, is called to investigate the death of Maud Duberry. Maud fell from the top of a cliff under the eyes of her husband, Jean Duberry, in his fifties, who could do nothing. The case is quickly classified as an accident. But a week later, a mysterious witness claims to have seen Jean pushing his wife.
Against the advice of her hierarchy, Clarisse leads the investigation. She is ready to do anything to uncover the secrets of Jean Duberry, a man with a poisonous charm, and shed light on this strange affair. Is John really innocent?
3.9 million viewers / 19% market share
Clarisse, la trentaine, gendarme pugnace et téméraire, est appelée pour enquêter sur la mort de Maud Duberry. Maud est tombée du haut d'une falaise sous les yeux de son mari, Jean Duberry, la cinquantaine, qui n’a rien pu faire. L’affaire est rapidement classée en accident. Mais une semaine plus tard, un mystérieux témoin affirme avoir vu Jean pousser sa femme.
Contre l’avis de sa hiérarchie, Clarisse mène l’enquête. Elle est prête à tout pour percer à jour les secrets de Jean Duberry, homme au charme vénéneux, et faire la lumière sur cette affaire étrange. Jean est-il vraiment innocent ?
3.9 millions de téléspectateurs / 19% de part de marché