Simon Coleman (Simon Coleman)
Raphaëlle AGOGUÉ
Simon Coleman is a Parisian cop, specialist in infiltration missions, who favored a life without attachments; no lasting relationships, let alone children. Until that morning, when he learns that his sister died in an accident along with her husband, leaving behind their three orphaned children.

Simon Coleman is a Parisian cop, specialist in infiltration missions. If he sometimes plays with his life, Simon never separates from his smile, whatever pressure he faces. Which makes him cool for some... and completely oblivious to others. To carry out this career in immersion, Simon favored a life without attachments; no lasting relationships, let alone children.
Until that morning, when he turns on his cell phone again after a six-week mission under another identity. The messages follow one another... he learns that his sister died in an accident along with her husband, leaving behind their three orphaned children. A letter from the couple gives him custody of the kids. Simon does not hesitate for a second, and rushes to join his nephew and his two nieces.
4.4 million viewers / 22.7% market share
Simon Coleman est un flic parisien, spécialiste des missions d’infiltration. S’il joue parfois sa vie à pile ou face, Simon ne se sépare jamais de son sourire, et ce quelle que soit la pression qu’il affronte. Ce qui le rend cool pour certains... et complètement inconscient pour d’autres. Pour mener à bien cette carrière en immersion, Simon a privilégié une vie sans attaches ; pas de relations durables, encore moins d’enfants.
Jusqu’à ce matin-là, où il rallume son portable après une mission de six semaines sous une autre identité. Les messages s’enchaînent... quand il apprend que sa sœur est morte dans un accident avec son mari, laissant derrière eux leurs trois enfants orphelins. Une lettre du couple lui confie la garde des gamins. Simon n’hésite pas une seconde, il fonce rejoindre son neveu et ses deux nièces.
4.4 millions de téléspectateurs / 22.7% de part de marché