What's wrong with my family? (Qu'est-ce qu'elle a ma famille?)

Director(s) : Hélène ANGEL
Author(s) : Catherine TOUZET
Hélène ANGEL
based on a Marc-Olivier FOGIEL book
Producer(s) : Albertine Productions
Cast : Sophia ESSAÏDI
Malik ZIDI
Benjamin SIKSOU
Christiane MILLET
Year : 2021
For : France 2, TV5

It's been five years since they first applied to adopt, and they’ve been relentless in their fight to have a child of their own. Céline, who is approaching forty, knows that the clock is ticking. But Mrs Rouart has only one possibility: a child with multiple disabilities.

What's wrong with my family?

Céline and Mathieu, a farming couple in their thirties, are getting ready for a visit by social worker Mrs Rouart. It's been five years since they first applied to adopt, and they’ve been relentless in their fight to have a child of their own. Céline, who is approaching forty, knows that the clock is ticking. But Mrs Rouart has only one possibility: a child with multiple disabilities. Before leaving, however, the social worker’s intern quickly gives them the number of one of her friends, who had recourse to a different solution: surrogacy. Céline is clearly reluctant, but Mathieu convinces her to at least go and meet this person and talk about it.

2 million viewers / 9.1% market share

Céline et Mathieu, couple de trentenaires agriculteurs, préparent activement la venue de Madame Rouart, l’assistante sociale, dans leur ferme. Cela fait maintenant 5 ans que leur première demande d’adoption a été faite et qu’ils se battent sans relâche pour accueillir un enfant. Céline, la quarantaine approchant, se rend bien compte que le compte à rebours s’accélère… Mais Madame Rouart n’a qu’une option à leur soumettre : l’adoption d’un enfant « polyhandicapé ». Avant de partir, la stagiaire de l’assistante sociale leur glisse rapidement les coordonnées de l’un de ses amis qui a eu recours à une autre solution avec son conjoint : la GPA (Gestation Pour Autrui). Céline est clairement réticente à cette idée, mais Mathieu la convainc d’aller au moins le rencontrer pour en parler….

2 millions de téléspectateurs / 9.1% de part de marché