No Compromise (Intraitable)
Marion LAINE
Patrick TIMSIT
Laurent BATEAU
Gabriel refuses to obey a prefectural decree which requires him to treat his vineyard with pesticides. As an advocate of biodynamic principles, he opposes the use of chemical products on vines because, in his view, they weaken the land, destroy the ecosystem and are a danger to people’s health.

Gabriel refuses to obey a prefectural decree which requires him to treat his vineyard with pesticides. As an advocate of biodynamic principles, he opposes the use of chemical products on vines because, in his view, they weaken the land, destroy the ecosystem and are a danger to people’s health.
This refusal draws this quiet, unassuming man into a legal spiral, which disrupts his professional and private lives, and inadvertently turns him into a whistle-blower.
2.8 million viewers / 12.6% market share
Gabriel refuse de se plier aux injonctions d’un arrêté préfectoral qui lui impose de traiter préventivement sa vigne aux pesticides. Adepte de la biodynamie, il s’oppose à l’usage de produits chimiques sur les vignes, qui, selon lui, fragilisent la terre, détruisent les écosystèmes et mettent en péril la santé des hommes.
Ce refus de principe entraîne peu à peu cet homme simple et discret dans une spirale judiciaire infernale qui va bousculer sa vie professionnelle et sentimentale, le transformant malgré lui en lanceur d’alerte.
2.8 millions de téléspectateurs / 12.6 % de part de marché