Che and Me (Moi et le Che)

Director(s) : Patrice GAUTIER
Author(s) : Patrice GAUTIER
Cast : Patrick CHESNAIS
Laurent BATEAU
Philippe CAROIT
Philippe NAHON

Year : 2017
For : Theatrical release in 2018

Go is a college professor coming to the end of his career. But, more important than that, when he was 18 he was driven by ideals of equality and fraternity, totally committed to the cause, and was one of Che Guevara’s final companions, over there in Bolivia, in 1967. Or at least, so he says, over and over and over again.

Che and Me

Go is a college professor coming to the end of his career. But, more important than that, when he was 18 he was driven by ideals of equality and fraternity, totally committed to the cause, and was one of Che Guevara’s final companions, over there in Bolivia, in 1967. Or at least, so he says, over and over and over again.

The proof? A photo of Che, in which he can’t actually be seen, despite his claim. What if he’s the traitor who sold Che to the CIA? No, that wasn’t him, he’s sure of that.

“In his emotional meltdown, sustained alcoholism and galloping misanthropy, Patrick Chesnais gives a magnificent performance of extraordinary energy, as if he really had been one of Che’s companions.” Jeune Cinéma

GO est un prof de fac en fin de parcours. Mais il a surtout été, à 18 ans, un jeune homme nourri d’égalité et de fraternité, engagé frontalement dans l’action. L’un des derniers compagnons du Che. C’était quelque part, là-bas, en Bolivie en 1967. Du moins, c’est ce qu’il dit, re-dit et re-re-dit.

La preuve ? Là, juste à coté du Che, cette photo sur laquelle il n’est pas alors qu’il affirme qu’il est sûr qu’il y était ! Et si c’était lui, le traître qui a vendu le Che à la CIA ? Ça non, il en est sûr : ce n’est pas lui !

« Dans cette crise sentimentale, cet éthylisme soutenu, cette misanthropie galopante, Patrick Chesnais assure magnifiquement, avec une énergie hors du commun, comme s’il avait vraiment été un compagnon du Che. » Jeune Cinéma

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