Simenon : The Accomplices (Simenon : Les Complices)
based on Georges Simenon's "The Accomplices"
Charlotte TALPAERT
Marc Billard, boss of a public works company, regularly visits his building sites with Monica, an employee who’s used to granting him her favours in cheap hotels. One day, as they’re driving back from such an escapade, Marc fails to notice a bus travelling very fast. In swerving to avoid him, the bus crosses the road and rolls over. But the couple drive on without a word.

Marc Billard, boss of a public works company, regularly visits his building sites with Monica, an employee who’s used to granting him her favours in cheap hotels. One day, as they’re driving back from such an escapade, Marc fails to notice a bus travelling very fast. In swerving to avoid him, the bus crosses the road and rolls over. But the couple drive on without a word.
Back in town, they learn that the bus was full of children, some of whom were killed. There’s also talk about a car which probably caused the accident. How do they go on living without saying anything, and, above all, without raising any suspicions?
Marc Billard, chef d'entreprise d'une société de travaux publics, visite régulièrement ses chantiers en compagnie de Monica, une employée habituée à lui accorder ses faveurs dans des hôtels de passage. Un jour sur la route, de retour d'une escapade, Marc ne voit pas arriver un car lancé à toute vitesse qui, pour l'éviter fait une embardée, traverse la route et se renverse. Pourtant le couple poursuit sa route sans échanger un mot.
De retour en ville, ils apprennent que le car était rempli d'enfants. Nombre d'entre eux auraient perdu la vie. On parle aussi d'une voiture qui serait à l'origine de l'accident... Comment désormais continuer à vivre, sans rien dire et surtout, sans éveiller aucun soupçon?...