The Good-time Girls (Les Michetonneuses)
Three young women. Eden is of Lebanese origin, Maya is Gallic, and they are both gorgeous. Anissa, of African origin, is starting to put on some serious weight. Eden wants to get out of the “compensated dating” game, Maya is happy to carry on, and Anissa would like to do the same, but with her weight…

Three young women. Eden is of Lebanese origin, Maya is Gallic, and they are both gorgeous. Anissa, of African origin, is starting to put on some serious weight.
Eden wants to get out of the “compensated dating” game, Maya is happy to carry on, and Anissa would like to do the same, but with her weight… They value their freedom and dream of love. Travelling in from the outer suburbs, they raid Paris, spending the money they make on luxury items. Fashion is their passion. But life throws them a curveball when Anissa gets arrested for stealing a name-brand handbag…
"A refreshing fairy tale" Le Figaro
Elles sont trois jeunes femmes. Eden est d’origine libanaise, Maya gauloise : elles sont superbes. Anissa, africaine, souffre d’obésité naissante. La première cesse de « michetonner », la seconde continue, Anissa aurait bien voulu mais ses rondeurs...
Elles tiennent à leur liberté, rêvent d’amour. Banlieusardes, elles investissent Paris en dépensant ce qu’elles gagnent en produits de luxe. La mode est leur patrie. La vie va chambouler cette situation quand Anissa est arrêtée pour avoir volé un sac de marque...
"Un rafraichissant conte de fée" Le Figaro