SELFISH - 40 humanitarians and their loved ones confide straightforwardly (EGOISTE - 40 humanitaires et leurs proches se livrent sans détour)
Géraldine ANDRE
Laurence HOENIG
Pierre-Yves BERNARD
Available audio : French, English, Spanish, Italian, German
Forty humanitarian workers and their loved ones did just this, confiding straightforwardly about the risk, the commitment, the first time, the powerlessness, the encounters, the passion, the return home and the unspeakable.

War, emergency, pandemics and hunger. Everywhere on the planet, humanitarian workers are used to the most extreme and contrasted missions and contexts.
Conversely, rare are those humanitarians who venture into the realm of the intimate. Forty humanitarian workers and their loved ones did just this, confiding straightforwardly about the risk, the commitment, the first time, the powerlessness, the encounters, the passion, the return home and the unspeakable. In this film, which is logically turned towards others, the question of the selfishness of those who make the commitment is also raised and taken as a given. Openly and without pretention, the witnesses in this film tell us who they are and speak of their commitment to others, their doubts, their weaknesses and the images that haunt them.
La guerre, l’urgence, les pandémies ou encore la faim. Partout sur la planète, les humanitaires sont habitués aux missions et aux terrains les plus extrêmes et les plus heurtés.
A l’inverse, rares sont les humanitaires qui s’aventurent sur le terrain de l’intime. 40 humanitaires et leurs proches ont franchi ce pas pour se livrer sans détours sur le risque, l’engagement, la première fois, l’impuissance, les rencontres, la passion, le retour et l’indicible. Dans ce film, logiquement tourné vers les autres, la question de l’égoïsme de celles et ceux qui s’engagent s’est aussi posée et imposée comme une évidence. Sans fard et sans artifice, les témoins de ce film se livrent sur ce qu’ils sont, sur leur engagement pour les autres, leurs doutes, leurs fêlures ou les images qui les hantent.
Selected at the Geneva Human Rights Film Festival
Finalist in DOCU competition of the Deauville Green Awards
« BEST SHORT DOCUMENTARY » at the Paris Film Festival