Murder in Herault (Crime dans l'Hérault)
Frédéric FAURT
Catherine DEMAIFFE
The boss of a fashionable Cap d’Agde nightclub is found murdered in her own office. Deputy public prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and gendarme captain Charles Jouanic get back together to investigate what looks like a crime with an obvious motive, since the safe has been emptied of its money.

The boss of a fashionable Cap d’Agde nightclub is found murdered in her own office. Deputy public prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and gendarme captain Charles Jouanic get back together to investigate what looks like a crime with an obvious motive, since the safe has been emptied of its money.
But then there’s another, more puzzling murder: a campsite manager is found dead wearing a fox mask. An obvious lead is a man with whom the victim had some issues, who also happens to be the former husband of the first victim.
But as it becomes apparent that they’re on the wrong track, there’s a third murder, a tourist guide this time, wearing a wolf mask.
6,5 million viewer - 28,7% market share
La patronne d’une boite de nuit huppée du Cap d’Agde est retrouvée assassinée dans son bureau. La vice-procureure Elisabeth Richard et le capitaine Jouanic pensent d’abord à un crime crapuleux, son coffre ayant été vidé.
Un second crime, celui du directeur d’un camping retrouvé mort avec un masque de renard, les intrigue davantage. Ils se dirigent vers un homme avec lequel il avait eu maille à partir et qui fut naguère le mari de la première victime.
Encore une fausse piste. Un troisième crime est perpétré sur la personne d’un guide, retrouvé avec un masque de loup.
6,5 millions de téléspectateurs - 28,7% de part de marché