Raining Cats and Dogs (Temps de Chien !)
Jean is the captain of a tourist boat on the Seine, a job that’s incompatible with his drunkenness. Divorced and unable to make ends meet, when he’s suspended from his job he fears he might lose custody of his children.

Jean is the captain of a tourist boat on the Seine, a job that’s incompatible with his drunkenness. Divorced and unable to make ends meet, when he’s suspended from his job he fears he might lose custody of his children.
Then he meets Victor, a young musician living from day to day, who soon becomes his improbable companion in misfortune.
1,1 million viewers / 5,3% market share
Jean est capitaine de bateau mouche, métier incompatible avec son ivrognerie. Séparé, il a du mal à joindre les deux bouts et lorsqu’il est mis à pied, il craint de perdre la garde de ses enfants. C’est en rencontrant Victor, jeune musicien sans perspective, qu’il trouvera un improbable compagnon d’infortune.
1,1 millions de téléspectateurs / 5,3% de part de marché