Captain Marie Jourdan of the Lyon Police answers an emergency call to help her friend, Captain Paul Danceny. He is in jail, accused of murdering his mistress, who was the wife of a charismatic and manipulative plastic surgeon.
Captain Marie Jourdan of the Lyon Police answers an emergency call to help her friend, Captain Paul Danceny. He is in jail, accused of murdering his mistress, who was the wife of a charismatic and manipulative plastic surgeon.
This new investigation plunges the unconventional Marie Jourdan into a world of sham and make-believe, where beauty has a price… one that might be paid in blood.
3,02 million viewers / 16% market share
Le capitaine Marie Jourdan de la PJ de Lyon est appelée en urgence pour sortir de prison son ami le capitaine Paul Danceny accusé d’avoir assassiné sa maitresse, la femme d’un chirurgien esthétique, personnage aussi charismatique que manipulateur.
Cette nouvelle enquête plonge l’atypique Marie Jourdan dans un monde de paraître et faux semblants où la beauté a un prix. Même celui du sang…
3,02 millions de téléspectateurs / 16% de part de marché