No worries (Pas d'inquiétude )
Isabelle CARRÉ
Arielle MOUTEL
Just as Marc and Claire have bought a new house, their son Rémy falls seriously ill.

Just as Marc and Claire have bought a new house, their son Rémy falls seriously ill.
They try to deal with the situation the best they can. As Claire has just started a new job, she can't stay with her son, and for economic reasons Marc too has to go back to work. But then his colleagues at the printing works get mobilised to help him in an unexpected way …
3.1 millions of viewers and 12.5% of market share
Alors que Marc et Claire viennent d’acheter un pavillon neuf, leur fils Rémy tombe gravement malade.
Marc et Claire font face à la situation comme ils peuvent. Venant de commencer un nouveau travail, Claire ne peut pas rester auprès de son fils.
Assez vite, pour des raisons économiques, Marc doit retourner travailler. Ses collègues de l’imprimerie vont alors se mobiliser pour lui venir en aide de manière inattendue …
3.1 millions de téléspectateurs et 12.5% de part de marché