My son is 70 years old (Mon fils a 70 ans )

Director(s) : Giorgio CAPITANI
Author(s) : Giorgio CAPITANI
Enrico VAIME
Producer(s) : KIEN
Cast : Philippe NOIRET
Elena Sofia RICCI
Year : 2001
For : Canal +, France 2

Sergio and Angela, who are in their mid 30’s, are an energetic and rather happy couple. Despite the fact that they have many friends and hobbies, their lives are clouded by the fact that they cannot conceive.

My son is 70 years old

Sergio and Angela, who are in their mid 30’s, are an energetic and rather happy couple. Despite the fact that they have many friends and hobbies, their lives are clouded by the fact that they cannot conceive. 

They decide to adopt a child. At that time, the concierge of their building, asks them to bring to an old man his daily meals.  This old man, called the Engineer, has been left by everyone, and lives prostrated and mute in a big apartment.  He has forgotten how to communicate with the outside world. He does not leave the sofa that belonged to his deceased wife and shows very little interest in the food that’s brought to him.  After a while of small services and daily meals, Sergio and Angela become attached to the old man and manage to get him to talk.  And when the owner of the apartment he lives in decides to kick him out, they take him into their place, in the room they had meant to give the baby.  Sergio and Angela adopt a 70 year old child.  The old man comes back to life next to them, showing them his extensive knowledge and a solid sense of humour, and gives the couple renewed energy, resulting in an unexpected but very much hoped for pregnancy.

Sergio et Angela, la trentaine, forment un couple actif et plutôt heureux mais ils ne parviennent pas à avoir d’enfant. Ils sont décidés à adopter. C’est alors que la concierge de leur immeuble, absente quelques jours, leur demande de porter un repas quotidien à un vieil homme. Celui qu’on appelle l’Ingénieur est abandonné de tous, quasi-prostré et muet dans son grand appartement vide. Il ne quitte pas le fauteuil ayant appartenu à sa femme décédée et ne manifeste qu’un vague intérêt pour ce qu’on lui apporte à manger. De petits services en repas quotidiens, Sergio et Angela s’attachent au vieil homme qu’ils parviennent doucement à sortir de son mutisme. Et lorsque sa propriétaire décide de le chasser de l’appartement qu’il occupe, le vieil homme finit par s’installer dans la chambre prévue pour le bébé. Sergio et Angela ont adopté un fils de soixante dix ans. Le vieil homme qui renaît à la vie auprès d’eux, montrant un savoir étonnement étendu et un sens de l’humour décapant, redonne une nouvelle vigueur au couple. Tant et si bien qu’une grossesse inespérée s’annonce.