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Director(s) : Joël SANTONI
Author(s) : Serge LASCAR
Producer(s) : Panama Productions
Cast : Annie DUPEREY
Jean-Paul BORDES
Year : 2014
For : France 3, RTBF

Rebecca, a brilliant lawyer, manages to get Kevin Gossens acquitted, who was accused of murdering a woman after cutting off her finger on which she wore a valuable ring. To celebrate the event, he invites Rebecca to lunch. She is disturbed by her client's ambiguous speech... The next day, horrified, she discovers in her handbag a package with a severed finger wearing a ring, accompanied by a thank-you note from Kevin.

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Rebecca, a brilliant lawyer, manages to get Kevin Gossens acquitted, who was accused of murdering a woman after cutting off her finger on which she wore a valuable ring. To celebrate the event, he invites Rebecca to lunch. She is disturbed by her client's ambiguous speech... The next day, horrified, she discovers in her handbag a package with a severed finger wearing a ring, accompanied by a thank-you note from Kevin.

Rebecca, brillante avocate, parvient à faire acquitter Kevin Gossens, accusé d’avoir assassiné une femme après lui avoir coupé le doigt sur lequel elle portait une bague de grande valeur. Pour fêter l’événement, il invite Rebecca à déjeuner. Celle-ci est troublée par le discours ambigu de son client… Le lendemain, elle découvre dans son sac à main, horrifiée, un paquet avec un doigt coupé portant une bague, accompagné d’un mot de remerciement de Kevin.

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