The Two of Them (Elles Deux)

Director(s) : Renaud BERTRAND
Author(s) : Eve de CASTRO
Sylvain SAADA
Producer(s) : la Boîte à Image
Cast : Sylvie TESTUD
Year : 2024
For : France 2

Two women in their fifties. Everything opposes them: their social status, their backgrounds, their ethnic origins. Despite their differences, they are going to join forces in the same intimate and visceral project: to obtain custody of their grandson, on his return from a Daesh prison camp.

The Two of Them

Two women in their fifties. Everything opposes them: their social status, their backgrounds, their ethnic origins. Despite their differences, they are going to join forces in the same intimate and visceral project: to obtain custody of their grandson, on his return from a Daesh prison camp. Two women, one child. Three destinies inextricably linked 

Deux femmes, la cinquantaine. Tout les oppose : leur condition sociale, leur vécu, leur origine éthnique. Malgré leur différences, elles vont s'associer dans le même projet intime et viscéral : obtenir la garde de leur petit-fils, à son retour d'un camp de prisonniers de Daesh. Deux femmes, un enfant. Trois destins liés indéfectiblement 

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