The Blissful (Les Enchantés)

Director(s) : Stanislas CARRÉ DE MALBERG
Author(s) : Stanislas CARRÉ DE MALBERG, Raphaële MOUSSAFIR based on a Jeanne BENAMEUR novel
Producer(s) : Les Films de l'instant
Cast : Grégory MONTEL
François CHATTOT
Year : 2022
For : Arte, TV5

The dad is Thierry, he was born mentally retarded. The little one is Luce. Together, they form an indestructible block of love. Until the day when six-year-old Luce goes to school and becomes aware of her father's disability. Fearing that knowledge will drive them away forever, she decides not to learn anymore.

The Blissful

The dad is Thierry, he was born mentally retarded. The little one is Luce. Together, they form an indestructible block of love. Until the day when six-year-old Luce goes to school and becomes aware of her father's disability. Fearing that knowledge will drive them away forever, she decides not to learn anymore.

Le papa, c’est Thierry, il est né déficient mental. La petite, c’est Luce. À eux deux, ils forment un bloc d’amour indestructible. Jusqu’au jour où Luce, six ans, va à l’école et prend conscience du handicap de son père. Craignant que le savoir ne les éloigne à jamais, elle décide de ne plus apprendre.

Selected at La Rochelle 2023
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