The Girl in the Woods (La Fille dans les bois)

Director(s) : Marie-Hélène COPTI
Author(s) : Natalie CARTER
based on Patricia Macdonald's novel
Producer(s) : La Boite à images
Cast : Carolina JURCZAK
Antoine DULÉRY
Thibault AUTHIÉ
Year : 2021
For : France 3, RTBF, RTS

Jeanne’s life changes dramatically when her sister makes a deathbed confession that she sent an innocent man to jail 15 years previously by refusing to give him an alibi. Jeanne will have to do all she can to get this man released and find out who really killed her best friend.

The Girl in the Woods

Jeanne’s life changes dramatically when her sister makes a deathbed confession that she sent an innocent man to jail 15 years previously by refusing to give him an alibi. Jeanne will have to do all she can to get this man released and find out who really killed her best friend.

4,6 million viewers / 19,4% market share

La vie de Jeanne bascule lorsque sa sœur lui confie, sur son lit de mort, avoir envoyé 15 ans plus tôt un innocent en prison en refusant de lui fournir un alibi. Jeanne va devoir tout faire pour libérer cet homme et découvrir qui a véritablement tué sa meilleure amie…

4,6 millions de spectateurs / 19,4% de part de marché